Coach’s Resources

Below are some flag football resources that I use for practices and games. Other items not listed below could include scissors and duct tape for tape pockets, a first aid kit (or just band-aids), and extra mouth guards (the cheap ones).

Cones – Every practice needs some…

Cones are an invaluable resource for practices. I use cones for drills and boundaries when scrimmaging. The first time I bought cones, I bought a pack of 15, but I quickly learned I needed more for drills. So, I ended up getting 50 total. They’ve been pretty durable and have used the same set of cones for many years. Check the prices. There are several different brands but all appear to be very similar. The ones listed below may not be the cheapest.

Wristbands, Wristbands, Wristbands

With my older groups, I usually have my QBs wear a wristband that includes 8-12 plays and I can just call them by number. One disadvantage with only one player wearing a wristband is that if the players are familiar with the play, then everyone is hovering our the QB trying to see the play. If all the kids have one, then everyone can take a quick peek. On Amazon, you can order them individually or a set if you want them for the whole team.

Footballs, Footballs, Footballs… (Make sure you get the right size)

Footballs range in sizes from Pee-Wee, Junior, Youth, and High School/College/Pro).

When starting out, I’d recommend a football for every two players so you can warm up with some pass and catch. If purchasing yourself, get a couple of good game balls and then some cheaper ones to use in practices. However, most kids have a football so just ask your players to bring them if they have all.

Agility Ladder plus Cone Combo – We’re training athletes, not just football players…

I don’t spend too much time with Agility Ladders, but most kids like doing them, so I incorporate using them in our practices. Sometimes, I will just have the kids use the ladder as a warm-up. Other times, I will have them use the ladder into a passing route.

White Boards – Because seeing the play sometimes works better than just hearing it.

I use something similar to the second one below. Just a cheap, plain white one like the first one listed. I usually incorporate a playbook with a team, so I may only have use for the whiteboard a few times a game (mainly halftime, showing defensive adjustments or a timeout late in the game and some inspiration quick hitters). Also below is an electronic one. I use an electronic one at home when I’m brainstorming new plays. Another coach uses an electronic one during games.

A little pricey, but fun for the kids. 

These are just some ideas for extras. Instead of the football net, you could stack a couple of trash bins on top of each other and let the kids see who can hit them or put the bins at two distances and see if anyone can throw the ball into the bin.

Sometimes, I like playing some music during practice (not too often). And it’s more later in the season. Some leagues have music playing while games are going on so it’s sometimes good to simulate the atmosphere. The Bluetooth speaker is also something you can use outside of football practice.