Flag Football Plays

Download full-page plays with flipped versions. The main playbook contains 34 plays (68 total pages) as well as a 10-play running playbook for $10 (Paypal).
There are two versions of the 5-man playbook.
One is full color. I’ve found this to be effective for younger teams as the players and routes are color coded. During your huddle, you can quickly assign players to color and they will find their position and route faster. The positions are also consistently colored the same. The left receiver is always Blue, the middle is Green, and the right is Red.
The other playbook is black and white with each position noted by a letter. The same consistency is used for the receivers. Across the line of scrimmage from left to right, the receivers are labeled X, Y, and Z. This is used regardless of where they line up. If the middle receiver is lined up in the back in a running back position, they are still noted as Y on the play.
Most of the plays are designed according to the NFLFlag rules (no pitching/laterals, no forward passes to receivers behind the line of scrimmage, etc). Most plays are passing plays, so various flag football league rules do not alter how the play is run.
Running Playbook Added
Also included is a running playbook. The running playbook includes 10 plays with variations per play.
Below is one of the plays included:

To download both versions of the 5 Man Playbook which contains 34 flag football plays as well as the Running Playbook for $10.