Description: The quarterback is looking for the wide receiver on the quick slant coming underneath the two slot receivers who are running a wheel route and 6-yard hook. If the quick slant is covered, the next look is the center…

Setup – Trips – Wide, Slot, Tight Read: Short to Deep or Deep to Short (depending on the situation) Description: Depending on the situation of the game and what you’re looking to do, this play can work with short or…
This play often overloads the safeties and allows the deep square in to be wide open. The center’s delayed out provides the quarterback a decent outlet if no one else is open.

5 man flag football play with a trips lineup and an option to run. Great play against man as most of the defense will shift to the trips side of the field. The wheel route can pay off with a big chuck of yards.
Trips flag football play with two underneath drag route should the deep route be covered. The deep is a post that continues to the corner. Switch this route whether your facing a 1 safety or 2 safety defense.

Common running flag football play for younger teams. Many leagues require the center to be at least one yard behind the line of scrimmage when taking a handoff. This play satisfies this requirement.