If you’re looking for some 5 on 5 flag football plays to add to your playbook, please check out the video below. The plays are geared toward older teams. However, while these plays do have some deep routes, you should…
Multiple slant routes to choose from based on how the defense is lined up. Hitting a quick slant is one of the most effective routes in flag football as it gets the receiver moving almost full speed down the field. Once he has the ball in his hands, the defense may be on their heels reacting to the quick pass.
Setup: Twins Wide, Slot, Single Wide Read: Description: This double slant play is designed for short quick passes to get the ball into your runner’s hands. However, it also has some deeper options. To give the Center more time to…
With elements of short and long routes, this play can be used in various situations. For a short gain, the Single Slot receiver will usually be open as many defenses leave the short middle of the field uncovered. If the Slant is covered, to provide better passing angles […]
Setup: Twins Wide, Slot – Single Wide Read: Description: The Twins Wide receiver is the first option on the Post route. However, his main goal is to occupy the safety in the area. If facing a Cover 2 (two safeties),…
Setup: Twins Wide, Slot – Single Tight Read: Description: I use this play every game where the defense is playing 2 safeties, 2 corners, 1 blitzer. There have been some games where I’ve run this play multiple times in a…